I hope last month went well for you all! For this month's news, I have a few exciting updates and announcements.
Site Updates
The technical staff has been hard at work in their task of getting accustomed to the site's code-base. Before diving into anything massive, the team has made the responsible decision to tackle smaller issues first. Right now, this has mostly included cleaning up the rough edges of the site and making small quality of life improvements that, in theory, improve the overall experience of you all.
When the technical staff feels confident in the site's code-base and after they've cleaned up the site significantly, more significant work will begin on the site's project system (as mentioned in more detail last month).
New Project: DIWide
We recently welcomed Handmade Network's newest project, DIWide, to the site. This project is a modern, deep dive into software rendering. According to its owner, it is being written in a simple fashion but still maintaining sophistication and capability, so it can serve as both a valuable educational resource and a quality product. Don't hesitate to check it out; it looks quite impressive!

Special Event Stream
It has been awhile since the community has had an event; several individuals (including myself) have been itching for one, so we'll be doing a livestream! Some rough ideas of what the stream will consist of have been sketched out, but if you have any super awesome ideas that you just have to see on the livestream, don't hesitate to let us know! The best way to do that would either be via a comment on this post or via email.
The stream is planned to occur on a weekend this month, but since Handmade Network features skilled programmers from all over the world, I figured it'd be most reasonable to have the community vote on the time of the livestream instead of me arbitrarily deciding it. Vote for the livestream's time here!
When a date and time for the livestream has been decided, I'll make another post officially announcing it.
Wrapping Up
Anyway, that's everything for this month. Don't forget to check out DIWide and vote for the livestream's approximate time!
Until next time,