It has been a busy month! I have quite a few very exciting updates to share with everyone, including: Some new site features, two new projects, and some highlights from the community showcase.
Handmade Seattle
Handmade Seattle took place a couple of weeks ago, and it was amazing! If you haven't already, be sure to thank Abner Coimbre for all of his hard work. The conference was an incredible experience, and it was a huge treat to listen to experienced industry veteran lectures, and have the community brought together. There were some live A/V issues so you may have had trouble catching it live, but from my understanding there will be recordings released soon.
Several Handmade Network projects (and many others) were shown off at Handmade Seattle: 4coder, Odin, The Melodist, RISCY BUSINESS, and Raylib. This is not an exhaustive list of projects that were shown at the conference, though, so I'd recommend checking out all of them by heading over to the official conference site!
Handmade Network Site Updates
Handmade Network team members Ben Visness and Asaf Gartner have worked on some wonderful new site improvements, and the site is starting to improve quite a bit!
First of all, you'll notice that the site is starting to look a lot better and be more usable on mobile devices. Not all pages have been made responsive quite yet, but the site is well on its way to becoming much better to use on non-PC devices.
Streams Page
There is a new streams page where you can see streams from folks around the community. When members go live, you'll see their stream listed there, and you can click on the stream and view it directly in the page.
New Projects
We have two new projects this month that I'd like to welcome here. Some awesome stuff happening, I highly recommend checking both out!
Community member machinamentum's project Jiyu is an low-level, LLVM-powered programming language being developed for fun.

Community member Angelo Theodorou's project nCine is "a multi-platform 2D game engine that runs on Linux, Windows, macOS, Android and Emscripten."

Community Showcase
As always, I have a non-exhaustive list of posts I've grabbed from the Handmade Network Discord Server's #showcase channel, where community members regularly post snippets of their awesome work. The following are not everything from the #showcase channel, so I recommend heading on over there and checking everything out. I am a little late getting this list, so I'm afraid I left too large of a list to get everything really cool that people did, so if you only rely on seeing things by reading this blog post, you're still missing a lot!
Ben Visness' LEA Instruction Introduction
Community member and Handmade Network team member Ben Visness wrote a wiki post on the LEA instruction and how it is unexpectedly used for arithmetic. This was prompted by my confusion on stream while looking at some disassembly. :)
Check it out here.
rxi's Text Editor
Community member rxi recently showed off a new text editor he has been working on. Its core functionalities were written in C, but it uses Lua to "coordinate" the core functionalities for application-specific things.

UglySwedishFisk's Raytracer
Community member UglySwedishFisk showed off his extremely impressive raytracing renderer. This particular shot shows the results of one of his streams in which he improved the renderer's diffuse spatial filter.

Closing Remarks
That is everything I have for now. Be sure to stay tuned for the Handmade Seattle recordings, and to stop by the Handmade Network Discord server and say hello!