Handmade Guide to Community Interaction

Our Philosophy

The Handmade community strives to create an environment conducive to innovation, education, and constructive discussion. To that end, we expect members of the community to respect the following set of principles to maintain civil discourse and create an inclusive environment.



The Handmade community will encourage participation of underrepresented groups. In order to promote diversity among the community, a Handmade community member shall not:


The Handmade community values integrity, the honest pursuit of knowledge, and working hard to build effective, uncomplicated software.

In particular, we strive to:

It is up to the discretion of the moderators to determine when these guidelines are being met, and they are permitted to act accordingly.

If you feel an action has been made against you unreasonably, please contact the Handmade Network Team privately with your grievance and we will review the decision.

This code of conduct is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Last updated by Ben Visness. Original by Abner Coimbre.