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Handmade Network»Forums»Career Advice
Casey Muratori
801 posts / 1 project
Casey Muratori is a programmer at Molly Rocket on the game 1935 and is the host of the educational programming series Handmade Hero.
Handmade Hero career stories recordings are now live.
With a pointer back to this forum for discussion.

Handmade Hero Career Stories

- Casey
117 posts
Code hacker/developer
Handmade Hero career stories recordings are now live.
Thanks again Casey for doing this. You really went above and beyond to help the community, above-and-beyond your already above-and-beyond show, that is.
N Setobol
15 posts
Warehouse worker/Programmer
Handmade Hero career stories recordings are now live.
Thanks, it's nice to hear that people are having the same negative experience of not getting a software job. A lot the stories are very encouraging and inspiring.
I will keep trying and change my resume according to the link that was posted in the resources.

117 posts
Code hacker/developer
Handmade Hero career stories recordings are now live.
Thanks, it's nice to hear that people are having the same negative experience of not getting a software job. A lot the stories are very encouraging and inspiring.
I will keep trying and change my resume according to the link that was posted in the resources.


I've always thought, if you can make a decent project at home, you probably have nothing to worry about!
1 posts
Handmade Hero career stories recordings are now live.
Edited by louisr on
Hey Casey and HMH,

I've been subscribed your Youtube channel for a few months. I admit I have not been following the coding streams at all, as I tend to just put on youtube videos while I do coding work.

I really enjoyed these videos. We're all trying to get through this crazy world of software, and it's tough sometimes. The anecdotes and stories of other people's troubles and windy career paths are uplifting through periods of self-doubt.

Your channel has a focus, and I know it's not wise to widen the focus of your videos without some serious thought. However, the career stories videos urged me to make an account here and the content is very enjoyable for me. Perhaps there is value in doing streams like this one each month. Also, I have a pretty interesting story that I'd like to get the chance to share.

That's all. Casey, I know that it can be hard to consistently make good content for the fickle and critical internet audience, but for every person like you that spends the energy and makes good content, 10 or 100 or 1000 more people get inspired to do something similar.

Casey Muratori
801 posts / 1 project
Casey Muratori is a programmer at Molly Rocket on the game 1935 and is the host of the educational programming series Handmade Hero.
Handmade Hero career stories recordings are now live.
the career stories videos urged me to make an account here and the content is very enjoyable for me. Perhaps there is value in doing streams like this one each month. Also, I have a pretty interesting story that I'd like to get the chance to share.

Very glad you enjoyed it! I do plan on keeping an eye out for more opportunities such as these, so hopefully there will be some more streams like this in the future.

Best wishes,
- Casey