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Handmade Network»Forums»Site Feedback
Kyle Devir
32 posts
Feature request: uploading images
On the old forums, I think this was possible...? Either way, any plans for this in future? :)
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Feature request: uploading images
On the old forums, I think this was possible...? Either way, any plans for this in future? :)

Forum/blog post attachments? It's planned for the near future. Like many things there's backend support for it already, with the frontend integration still needing to be written :)

There's two sets of quotas, the member quota and the project quota.
If a member adds an attachment on any forum, it'll be counted against their personal quota.
If a project owner adds an attachment on one of their projects, it'll be counted against the project quota. If they do so on another project it's again counted against their personal quota.

The personal quotas aren't very large at the moment, but should accommodate a few screenshots just the same. It's just that there's more members than projects, so we can't go nuts with attachment quotas until we either move to a bigger server, or we offload some file hosting to a CDN, or both.

We'll be making that call based on the technical merits mostly. There is a financial consideration to be made as well in choosing between a bigger server and a CDN. Between the two we'll come up with an answer on how to proceed soon enough, but until then the file storage quotas will be a bit on the conservative side.
Kyle Devir
32 posts
Feature request: uploading images
Hmmm... enable the feature for patreon supporters who've pledged enough? Just an idea. :)
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Feature request: uploading images
Hmmm... enable the feature for patreon supporters who've pledged enough? Just an idea. :)

We're having a staff meeting next week on the matter of 'advanced features'. I'm sure the quota will come up for discussion as well. I'd like to provide at least a minimum quota to all members, but we could expand the quota for backers I suppose. :)

We'll have to see what makes both financial and technical sense. We intend for the site to either stay around indefinitely or obsolete itself because pretty much all software is 'handmade' at that point. ;-) The latter would be the best outcome, but I'll settle for staying around for a long while for those interested.
Kyle Devir
32 posts
Feature request: uploading images
Edited by Kyle Devir on

We're having a staff meeting next week on the matter of 'advanced features'. I'm sure the quota will come up for discussion as well. I'd like to provide at least a minimum quota to all members, but we could expand the quota for backers I suppose. :)

Sounds fun. A private meeting? Or will it be accessible to pledgers? A transcript? Some meetings are fun. :)


We'll have to see what makes both financial and technical sense. We intend for the site to either stay around indefinitely or obsolete itself because pretty much all software is 'handmade' at that point. ;-) The latter would be the best outcome, but I'll settle for staying around for a long while for those interested.

Sounds good. :)
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Feature request: uploading images
Sounds fun. A private meeting? Or will it be accessible to pledgers? A transcript? Some meetings are fun. :)

Private meeting. We don't transcribe the meetings, but Abner does take meeting notes and adds them to our private repo. Once we're ready to release the transparency report to backers, it wouldn't surprise me if the meeting notes were made available too.
Kyle Devir
32 posts
Feature request: uploading images

Private meeting. We don't transcribe the meetings, but Abner does take meeting notes and adds them to our private repo. Once we're ready to release the transparency report to backers, it wouldn't surprise me if the meeting notes were made available too.

Curiousity often gets the better of me, lol. Thanks for the reply. :)