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Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
[Not a bug] Wrong colors after closing a tab
Edited by Jeroen van Rijn on Reason: not a bug
Page URL: https://motionbox.handmade.network/forums/t/1481
Description of issue: I had several tabs opened in firefox, after closing a tab, the color of the page changed (see screenshot). It looked right for a "frame" or two and then changed. I was not logged in.
Browser + version: firefox 48.0.2 64bit
Screenshot(s): screenshot
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
[Not a bug] Wrong colors after closing a tab
Edited by Jeroen van Rijn on Reason: wording
Page URL: https://motionbox.handmade.network/forums/t/1481
Description of issue: I had several tabs opened in firefox, after closing a tab, the color of the page changed (see screenshot). It looked right for a "frame" or two and then changed. I was not logged in.
Browser + version: firefox 48.0.2 64bit
Screenshot(s): screenshot

MotionBox has changed its background recently: https://motionbox.handmade.networ...projects/background/motionbox.png

That said, it looks like your browser failed to load part of the CSS to do with the rest of the theme, and that's not something I've been able to reproduce. Not while logged out, not while logged on with either the dark of light theme. I think the cause of this is either your internet connection or something in your browser itself.

Have you tried closing down the browser and restarting it? Do you get the same behaviour in another browser? From what I can tell the problem's not at our end, so unless I get independent verification of the bug by someone else who can reproduce this - since I can't seem to do so - I'm going to consider this not a bug. At least not something that's within our remit. :)

Good luck finding the cause just the same.

Edit: Additionally, if the colours change after closing another tab, that clearly indicates a browser problem. If anything that's a browser bug when it fails to repaint a page properly after closing some other tab. There's nothing we can do about it.
Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
[Not a bug] Wrong colors after closing a tab
Just reloading the page fixed it (should have said that in the original post). I just wanted to let you know there might be a problem.
I just noticed that when switching to that tab often I see the background color changing (not the color where the text is, the sort of dark border), even if I already displayed that tab before. It's like firefox takes its time to draw the background image. So yeah it's probably nothing you have control over.
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
[Not a bug] Wrong colors after closing a tab
Ah, yes. I have found that Firefox is quite slow repainting threads, at least compared to other browsers. The upcoming redesign in development by Martin Cohen should have considerably simplified CSS. With it most Firefox-specific quirks like these will most likely be a thing of the past. If that wasn't in the works, I'd make combing through the layouts to help speed up repainting a priority, but as it stands…
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
[Not a bug] Wrong colors after closing a tab
I've noticed occasionally the browser will keep the wrong version of one of the style files cached after a switch due to e.g. logout. I'll try to make a reproducible test case for us to look at closer.
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
[Not a bug] Wrong colors after closing a tab
I've noticed occasionally the browser will keep the wrong version of one of the style files cached after a switch due to e.g. logout. I'll try to make a reproducible test case for us to look at closer.

Sure, but even so they have a distinct url. It would still be a browser bug if it conflates /light/style.css with /dark/style.css or /style.css.