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Handmade Network»Forums»Site Feedback
Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
RSS notification for new projects
Would it be possible to have line in the rss feed when a new project is added to the network ?
Miguel Lechón
79 posts / 2 projects
RSS notification for new projects
I think a separate RSS feed would be even better!
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
RSS notification for new projects
I think a separate RSS feed would be even better!

That's actually easier to do. Code to serialize threads to Atom doesn't lend itself well to serializing Projects. They're completely different data structures.

Alternatively we could have the code that updates a project's status create a thread that announces this status update, whether it be a new project, or a project newly marked as being in hiatus. We'll discuss it internally in the team to see what makes sense.
Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
RSS notification for new projects
I would prefer only one rss feed. But do what you think is best.
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
RSS notification for new projects
We now have a separate feed for new projects: https://handmade.network/atom/projects/new

These may be added to the firehose feed at some point but for now, we're keeping them separate.
Miguel Lechón
79 posts / 2 projects
RSS notification for new projects
Edited by Miguel Lechón on
Works great. Thanks!

Edit: A small nitpick. It seems that all RSS entries in this feed point to https://handmade.network instead of the relevant project page.
Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
RSS notification for new projects
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
RSS notification for new projects
Works great. Thanks!

Edit: A small nitpick. It seems that all RSS entries in this feed point to https://handmade.network instead of the relevant project page.

This has been fixed, thanks for the heads up
Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
RSS notification for new projects
After "using" the projects rss feed for some time, it seems that it adds new entries for projects that already are on the network and change something in their settings (I guess, I don't know why there are new entries). Could the feed indicates what as changed in the project ? It also seems to show entries for project that are not public yet.
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
RSS notification for new projects
I don't see any reason why either of those things would be happening, so I'll keep a closer eye on it for a week or so and see if I can figure out why you're observing this behavior! Thanks for the report