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26 posts
Wiki feedback: Broken urls with parentheses, code line numbering request
Edited by nj on Reason: Initial post
While testing a new article to see how the markup goes, I encountered a url containing parentheses, the results were buggy:

And to my request, I'd like to ask for an option to continue code blocks, so the writer will have an option to insert commentary in the middle of a block.
An example:
1. some_part_of_a_code_section();
2. // stuff happens here

As we saw, stuff happened there, but to solve that kind of stuff, we'll need some other stuff:
3. continuation_of_the_previous_stuff();
4. // a great solution, cheers
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
Wiki feedback: Broken urls with parentheses, code line numbering request
Edited by Andrew Chronister on
This isn't a bug but a limitation of markdown's URL format. There are [a few ways around it][1], most of which are supported in our markdown flavor

[1]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/qu...ks-to-urls-containing-parentheses

(if this post were markdown, the text "a few ways around it" would render as a link to the above url)

As for the latter, this is possible but will require some inventive syntax. I'll consider it for a future update to the wiki system.