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Handmade Network»Forums
52 posts
It's been so long ;)
Programming Music
The title is pretty self explanatory.

Lately, I've been listening to some OSTs of games I like, such as Cave Story, Zelda and others. Sometimes I indulge in some electronic/trance usually background music that doesn't have any lyrics. (I find it's easier to think without someone blabbering) And a lot of times I listen to nothing at all.

What music do you listen to while programming? (if any at all).

- Connor :P
69 posts / 1 project
Programming Music
a year ago i really liked to write with "Rocky horror picture show" and frozen soundtracks, then i liked the doubleclicks, then jonathan coultun for a while.
David Butler
81 posts / 1 project
I love pretty much anything technical, whether it be programming, networking, hacking or electronics.
Programming Music
If I'm really trying to focus on something, it needs to be music without words. Usually classical. Yo-Yo ma channel on Amazon Music is what I have been on lately. If I am doing system admin stuff then I can pretty much listen to anything, that is isn't too slow... I like a station called "Alt+J" lately for that kind of music.
Lachlan Easton
14 posts
Technically a Programmer
Programming Music
I've been listening to Kaki King recently http://www.kakiking.com/
Pretty much a really skilled guitarist playing some really great guitar music.
Ralph Brorsen
9 posts
Programmer of software synthesizers, compilers, interpreters, embedded systems, 64kb intros, procedural generators.
Programming Music
Edited by Ralph Brorsen on Reason: album details
Recently I've been listening to Carbon Based Lifeforms, particularly the Hydroponic Garden and World of Sleepers albums.

For a something a little more energetic, I like "DarkMix" on youtube.