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Murry Lancashire
25 posts
Aspiring Polymath.
Bell Labs, Richard Hamming- How to learn lectures.
Edited by Murry Lancashire on
A friend showed me these lectures, and, my god, i wish i came across these 10 years ago, they are a series of lectures by one of the early contributors to computing. and by golly does he have a lot of good things to say.

I recommend the starting video, the video on experts, and you and your research in particular.

Murry Lancashire
25 posts
Aspiring Polymath.
Bell Labs, Richard Hamming- How to learn lectures.

What makes a good programmer:

Imma post time stamps to some golden nuggets of information.
39 posts / 1 project
Bell Labs, Richard Hamming- How to learn lectures.
These are great, thank you
Murry Lancashire
25 posts
Aspiring Polymath.
Bell Labs, Richard Hamming- How to learn lectures.
Glad you are enjoying them :)!
16 posts
Based in Japan. Building a fully featured music production system with a twist.
Bell Labs, Richard Hamming- How to learn lectures.
Thanks for these!