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stack mann
1 posts
How to get the 3D position for the point with (0,0) UV coordinates?
Edited by stack mann on Reason: Initial post

I have a 3D triangular mesh(vertices, indices, uv coords) that I'm rendering to the screen. Let's assume that the UV mapping is one-to-one. I'm trying to find a way to find the 3D position of the point with UV coordinates equal to (0,0). I searched the internet but I only find answers that I don't find convincing.
The solution that I found:

- Find, in UV space, the triangle that contains (0,0).. let's call it T
- Calculate barycentric coordinates for (0,0) with respect to T
- interpolate the 3D positions of T's vertices using barycentric coords to get the result.

this seems wrong to me. Here's why:
Let M be the mapping between 3D space and UV space that associates UV coords for every vertex.
Let A,B and C be the vertices of T.
Let P be the origin of UV space ( P = (0,0) ).

We have P = alpha*A + beta*B + gamma*C (alpha,beta and gamma are the barycentric coords of P with respect to T).
We assumed the UV mapping to be one-to-one, so let be the inverse of M.
We have :
M°(P) = M°(alpha*A + beta*B + gamma*C)

The solution in question assumes that is linear.. if that was the case you can have:

M°(P) = alpha*M°(A) + beta*M°(B) + gamma*M°(C)

But that is not the case (correct me if I'm wrong).

So is there a way to find the 3D position of a point with specific UV coords?

Thanks in advance.
Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
How to get the 3D position for the point with (0,0) UV coordinates?
Let's assume that the UV mapping is one-to-one.

What do you mean by that ? That the texture is 100% covered with triangles ?
If that's the case, shouldn't one of the vertex have its UV attribute be (0, 0), so you can find the corresponding model space vertex position and transform it into world space ?