Vim8/Neovim Setup for C++ Completion With Clang

Since 4coder doesn't have an official Vim setup just yet, I'm setting up Neovim/Vim8 the best I can. The only thing that is left is to get better completion than you can get with vim-gutentags. Ideally, I want to get to feature parity with Qt Creator + FakeVim, which was my previous setup before Qt Creator got a lot worse.

If I had a project that was completely self contained, it wouldn't matter, but I want to move from OpenGL to D3D 11, so tag-based completion becomes a bit annoying, since the D3D C++ APIs use methods (I know there's a C API). What I would like is a minimal, clangd-based plugin that is easy to configure, or something equivalent.

I have looked online, and the available plugins seem to want me to install python and npm and/or are bloated and complicated.

Presumably someone around here has something like this setup? What are you using?

Edited by Blake Martin on
Yeah. The standard for Vim code completion is YCM ( which, as you said requires Python and a local node server. The reason is so that everything runs off the server and is a super quick call instead of hogging up your vim config stuff - I have used it before, it actually works okay.

Nowadays though, I just use VIM's built in autocomplete which is pretty good. I simply remap the default autocomplete keys to tab and set up a function to autocomplete with tab if im in the middle of a word, otherwise it defaults to normal tab functionality.

9 lines and a true handmade solution :-)

function! InsertTabWrapper()
    let col = col('.') - 1
    if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k'
        return "\<tab>"
        return "\<c-p>"
inoremap <expr> <tab> InsertTabWrapper()
inoremap <s-tab> <c-n>

Edited by rudy on