I am Elviss Strazdins, a game developer from Latvia. I have been working on games and game engines for more than a decade (13 years to be exact). I am now working on a C++ game engine "Ouzel" (available on
GitHub) for 10 months. It will also soon be added to the handmade project list.
I started working on it, because I wanted a fast C++ game engine that can be used without platform restrictions (I am now supporting Windows, macOS, Linux (tested on Ubuntu and Raspbian), Android, iOS, tvOS and working on Windows Phone and UWP support). I was using cocos2d-x a lot before, but its code is a huge mess and it is single threaded, so I had a really small time frame for my game logic. My engine has a separate threads for rendering and game logic. Unlike almost all the other engines, my engine supports Direct3D11, Metal and OpenGL rendering backends and XAudio/OpenAL audio backends. This allows me to launch the game on any platform without translation layers like ANGLE.
There is still a lot of work to be done (
Roadmap), but I would really appreciate your feedback about the project.
Thank you!