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Handmade Network»Forums»Work-in-Progress
2 posts / 1 project
Ex Nintendo DS developer / gamedev teacher, now a hobbyist programmer who helps handicapped people for a living.
Imaginator (image viewer)

Hi, it's my first post here!

I found this community trough Raylib and was impressed by the manifesto. I've been lurking here for a while and thought this would be a cool place to put my projects and hang out.

So here's my project: https://handmade.network/p/489/imaginator/

It's a work-in-progress image editor aimed at casual photographers (mainly myself and my mom) and it's still in pretty early stage. Only the image browsing and viewing features are ready. So I'm calling it an image viewer at this point :D

I was actually just supposed to play around with Raylib to get the hang of it, but I got kinda carried away. Next thing I knew I had (hand)made a custom gui-system. I felt so good about it, I thought I would remake an older project with it. The old project was made with Godot engine and it's actually a fully working photo editor. There were just some little things I wasn't happy about it, like startup time and thumbnail generating speed. But a rewrite in C should fix everything.

Anyway, this is nowhere near finished and I'm not sure if I should be publishing it yet. But I get so much kick out of how well the program performs, that I had an urge to show it.

2 posts / 1 project
Ex Nintendo DS developer / gamedev teacher, now a hobbyist programmer who helps handicapped people for a living.
Imaginator (image viewer)

Some screenshots and a video:

Screenshot at 2024-01-23 20-47-54.png

Screenshot at 2024-01-23 20-48-58.png

Screenshot at 2024-01-23 20-51-05.png

Peek 2024-01-23 21-06.mp4

Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
Imaginator (image viewer)


Don't hesitate to also join the discord server (link at the top of the page) if you'd like more direct contact with members.