pre-alpha 00.01.06

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Currently on top of my list: function calls and casts in expressions

CHANGELOG for 00.01.06
  • Added comparison operators to expressions (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=)
  • Added conditional breakpoints (ability to set minimum hit count or expression that has to be true)
  • Fixed adding breakpoints to addresses that contains an internal/hidden breakpoint without removing the internal first
  • Improved handling of different byte sizes in expressions
  • Fixed a regression opening inline debugging views
  • Fixed closing of inline debugging views
  • Dynamically adjust context menu width
  • Dynamically adjust stracktrace overlay width
  • Fixed incorrect prepending of names when picking members from inline variables
  • Fixed changing the expansion state of multiple expressions within the same frame
  • Some UI fixes for handling z-Order
  • Fixed some elements unintentionally being able to receive focus
  • Changed some asserts in expression compilation to show "internal errors" instead
  • Fixed a few problems with the UI state stack
  • Fixed stepping over breakpoints which would continue automatically

// quick update
information on more frequent builds will follow later today or tomorrow.


Conditional break points are nice, never really used them before but they are quick and easy to setup here, especially the hit counts.

All of the previous issues I noticed have been resolved in this release. I did notice this today though, for some reason I am getting an unknown member error for some of the variables. As seen in the screenshot when looking at "mouse.pos" it is able to see the "x" variable but when looking directly at it "mouse.pos.x" it produces an error. I also went back to 00.01.05 and results are the same.

Overall I like where this is going, it has already become my go to debugger.

Conditional break points are nice, never really used them before but they are quick and easy to setup here, especially the hit counts.

All of the previous issues I noticed have been resolved in this release. I did notice this today though, for some reason I am getting an unknown member error for some of the variables. As seen in the screenshot when looking at "mouse.pos" it is able to see the "x" variable but when looking directly at it "mouse.pos.x" it produces an error. I also went back to 00.01.05 and results are the same.

Overall I like where this is going, it has already become my go to debugger.

I see. I don't know your exact struct definition but it looks like x is within an anonymous member. At least that shows this behavior. Basically when printing it is going through the whole hierarchy while only considering the struct itself when looking for the member.
// Forgot to mention, that will be fixed of course
I'd really like to be able to save state of the watch window, etc. between sessions so I wouldn't need to reopen everything every time I start the debugger. Could you make it possible? :3
I'd really like to be able to save state of the watch window, etc. between sessions so I wouldn't need to reopen everything every time I start the debugger. Could you make it possible? :3

I've been thinking about doing this on a "path of the executable" basis which should be a good compromise between persisting states and being flexible when switching projects.