Saving past streams | Streaming schedule

I was wondering if you had place where we can get past streams? It appears you're not saving them on your twitch, is there some other place we can see them?

Also, I don't know if you have a streaming schedule or ever will, but it would be nice to know ahead when your going to stream.

I'm very interested in what your doing around here :)

- Connor
I second this. I'd like to watch from the start, but have no idea where the saved streams or schedule is.

This project is really interesting to me too.
There are no saved streams that I have. Most of the time that I spend coding (or, more commonly these days, tracking down subtle timing problems and reading hardware documentation) is kinda boring anyway.

This project is mostly for my own edification. I'm trying to understand what's happened to PC hardware in the 15 years since I last wrote a (much more toy!) operating system kernel.

Work commitments and timezone differences mean that the little time that I get to work on Homebrew generally doesn't match up with time that I'm connected to a network, so there's been basically no streaming lately. All I can say is, subscribe to the stream and cross fingers...
Ah! Sad to hear, but I will keep an eye on my notifications. Hopefully I will be able to catch a stream soon :)

- Connor
Hi folks. A while a go I partially saved one of Pseudonym73's OS streams. It's only 28 minutes, a bit of a tease I know but this is all I have.

I really regret not saving all of them but my internet was too poopsauce. In fact it took me several hours just to upload this video :-(

Well anyway, I hope someone can enjoy this video. It's about the 'Task-State Segment', really interesting stuff!

p.s. Pseudonym73, if you are not comfortable with this stream being posted to the internet then I will remove it.

Edited by jimmyjimbo on
Instead of archiving streams you could do and archive recaps of the work done, illustrating the code and giving a wide view of the status. Recaps done with less frequency than the coding streams, when it's time.

Edited by Gianluca Alloisio on