Patreon Coming Soon...

Jeremiah Goerdt
I'm writing, recording, and editing all the Patreon stuff this weekend with plans to launch the campaign soon.

Originally, my plan was to launch a Patreon campaign the same day that Lysa hits 'prerelease' so people can sign up and use it right away. Instead, I've decided to start the campaign early. There will be limited spots for getting early access and you'll have a chance to sign up for those very soon.

We're getting close to a state where Lysa can actually provide people some value. I'm almost done getting most of the basics. Testing, cleaning up memory leaks, and a quick pass over the API will need to be done as well, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Sorry, no exact dates yet, but keep your eyes open. Patreon will be here soon and then it's just hard work to get to the first chance to share Lysa.


Will there be a free version or will it be patreon only ?
Will there be a free version or will it be patreon only ?

I don't have a final answer for the long-term just yet, but in the beginning, I'll be giving access to limited groups of people via Patreon rewards.