A novel combination of SENSE and GRAPPA for accelerated MRI.

About Faster Scanning with MRI

My name is Nicholas Dwork; I am an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at University of Colorado Anschutz. My research focuses on accelerating MRI.

The point of this project is to illustrate how I develop a somewhat advanced engineering project involving the physics of MRI and the mathematics of optimization.

For this project, I will be developing a novel acceleration method that combines both SENSE and GRAPPA. This will extend our recent work where we identified a sufficient condition for accurate reconstruction with GRAPPA.

I recently created a set of videos explaining the basics of MRI. This will be good background for the work that we are about to conduct.

Set 1 - Without the complicated math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9CdrgdUrVz2M2HLETE9ULkRGNJKeKlXN With the complicated

Set 2 - With the complicated math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9CdrgdUrVz2nV5ybwIfRl6TfDMwI3tcv

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Recent Activity

The first stream is complete. I'm starting by creating the SPIRiT reconstruction in MATLAB. In this first stream, I got as far as figuring out the linear interpolation coefficients.

You can see the video of the stream here: https://youtu.be/a34SzRUP-xI

Faster scanning with MRI reduces the need to anesthetize the subject and increases robustness to motion. This is especially important for young pediatric patients that have difficulty remaining still and fetuses that have no impetus to do so.

To scan faster, one can simply collect less data. However, reconstructing a high-quality image from less data is a challenge. In this work, I will be developing a novel method to accelerate MRI. The image is the result of a convex optimization problem that can be solved with existing fast algorithms.

We'll talk about all of this. I'm doing this for fun; hopefully it works out.