I'm a bit late on announcing this but there is now a page that I will use to make builds available more frequently.
The URL is: https://so.codeclap.cc
You can simply log in with you patreon account and should get access to the builds of that tier. It should work but at least for me the API documentation wasn't completely clear; if you try it and it doesn't work please write a quick response here so that I can look into fixing the patreon interface.
I've decided on a very straightforward way of providing builds there. At the end of a day, whenever something has changed that contains a new feature, bugfix or any other kind of visible change it will appear on this page as a "-[number]" build following the last versioned build. I won't use these numbers to indicate changes in the CHANGELOG for further development, instead all changes will be noted for the next planned release.
Planned Schedule
I won't be able to finish 00.01.07 for Friday but I hope that it should be ready by Monday.
The next "monthly build" for October will probably be based on 00.01.07 with some smaller features/fixes and should follow about 1 week later.