With Hurricane Matthew threatening my state and having to stabilize again afterwards, October has been terrifying even before Halloween. Thankfully we are good to go; the team and I met this past Thursday and our news await!
Handmade Network on the News

You may have seen Handmade Network on the news, with the piece still on their front page. We thank them, and what I can say confidently is the Handmade Dev Team will continue its prime directive to support personal handmade software projects. If you're interested in posting your work without becoming an official project, go here. If you feel ready to become a proper project, e-mail us at [email protected]

-Casey likes his fans-
Handmade Con 2016 Approaches!
Handmade Con 2016 is roughly a month away! It is the place to meet programmers who care deeply about their craft, and want to learn or share their expertise. This is the year we get booths, too! Game companies, SpaceX, and others will be attending. If you're still looking for discounts or ways to room with members from the community, post here.

-You're still on time to meet amazing programmers-
We will have our own table, as well as 4coder and other projects from the community. If you want to meet the people behind Handmade Network, this is the chance to talk to us! Interested in hosting a project or joining the team? Let us know. Want to just say hi to us? That works too; and we wouldn't say no to a glass of wine after hours (or is that just me?).
Website Features
As always, we underestimated the work needed to wrap up version 1.0. Improved registration workflow is complete (no more need for access codes), and we're dangerously close to having moderation tools in place. We've been testing e-mail notifications with our own mail server and it's looking really good. RSS and the rest of the features discussed last time are trivial after this, and the new plan is to complete all of this by Handmade Con next month. As always, take that with a grain of salt, but there's a light at the end of this development tunnel.
Updating the Community
Speaking of moderation tools, please welcome MikeDX and ZedZull, our new moderators! They will make sure our community guidelines are met, and report spam or abuse. We thank them very much for volunteering their time to keep Handmade a civil place.
Once again, I urge the project owners to let us know you are alive at least once a month in accordance with our Monthly Update mentioned a few news articles ago. It may not always be possible, but try your best. Our moderators will let us know of dead projects after a month or more, in which case we just push the project down the list and eventually flag it with "Stale" or "Hiatus". I started updating everyone with Ave last month, and will try to do so every month. Again, something like a simple reply to a user question on your forums would be enough. Anything to let us know you're kicking around with us :)
Support Us!
I thank you for reading this, and the team thanks you for supporting Handmade. Can't exist without ya, can we?
Like I always bother everyone with, your $1 pledge keeps the developers motivated and pays for the site upkeep, as well as growing server costs and the new features such as e-mail notifications; ongoing work for an online chat system, etc.
See you in Seattle!