We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
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Matt Mascarenhas
135 posts / 1 project
Annotator, supper gatherer and slammer of thunderous high fives
Bug: Description Length Limit Miscalculated
Edited by Andrew Chronister on
  • Member Settings → Profile Page Options
  • Description length limit is off by 4 characters, i.e. my description is exactly at the limit, I can type four more characters, but after saving and returning to edit it those final four characters are gone (and I can type them again)
  • Firefox 45.0.2-1 (Arch)
  • Screenshot
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
Bug: Description Length Limit Miscalculated
Edited by Andrew Chronister on
Fudged by reducing the textbox limit by a few characters. Everything on the serverside is treating the field as being 1024 characters long so I think it might actually be dependent on the input, e.g. if characters are URLencoded to take up more space or something odd like that. Might be worth further investigation but for now, closed.