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Bug: Comments on Blog Posts Show Up As Recent Blog Posts

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Description of issue: After making comments on my blogpost, I noticed that they showed up as recent blog posts themselves.
Browser + version: Chrome Canary(51.0.2688.0)

Edited by Jeroen van Rijn on Reason: marked thread as resolved
They do on your profile yeah but maybe that is intended? since the blog isn't tied to you but rather to your project
I can confirm this is a bug because my profile page shows my comment on the same blog post as a recent blog post as well.

Edited by Jay Waggle on
They do on your profile yeah but maybe that is intended? since the blog isn't tied to you but rather to your project

If its the intention, maybe it should be something like "Blog Comments". Posts indicates a new blog entry.
They do on your profile yeah but maybe that is intended? since the blog isn't tied to you but rather to your project

If its the intention, maybe it should be something like "Blog Comments". Posts indicates a new blog entry.

Yeah it should probably be named Recent Blog Comments instead
Correct, I'd say that's a bug. I'll look into it.

Edit: Blog posts also seem to be missing pagination. To be fair, the blogs were a bit of a rush job, so I'm not blaming Chronal :)

Edited by Jeroen van Rijn on
Blog posts and blog comments are now more clearly separated on member profiles. The same goes for forum threads and forum replies, so it's now easier to see if a member started a thread or replied to one, created a blog post or commented on one.

On project profiles I've continued this distinction for the blog posts and comments. The forum threads listed on project profiles already shows the first and last poster in the threads with the latest activity, in contrast, on a member's profile it shows threads they've participated in by creating it or replying to it.