New Streams page

Hey everyone! The site now has a live gallery of programming streams from HMN members and others. Check it out at, or click the "See Who's Live" button on the home page.

We've currently set it up with streams from as many Handmade Network members as we could find, and of course other mainstays like Handmade Hero and Jonathan Blow. If we missed you, or you'd like to get your own stream added to the list, just contact a staff member on Discord or send an email to [email protected].

If you have any feedback or ideas about the streams page, post them here or in the #meta channel on the HMN Discord server. Hope you enjoy!

Edited by Ben Visness on Reason: Initial post
Maybe show the list of all offline stream so that we can discover stream we don't know without needing to be there at the right time ?
I would definitely like to do something to that effect. Because the list is already fairly long, and is only going to get longer with time, I'm not sure how useful it will be to just show a whole list. What I'm thinking might be more useful is to show everyone who has streamed in the last <time interval>, which should hopefully keep things from being stale, but will help you find any interesting streams you may have missed.

Also, we may at some point surface a stream or two on the home page, and possibly find a way to do stream notifications via other HMN channels like the Discord.

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll post here again when it's updating with something to that effect.
I really appreciate this page! I've already discovered some new people to follow. Thanks for making it.
Update! The streams page now automatically loads users' Twitch streams based on links in their user profiles. If you want your own streams to appear on the streams page, just add a link to your Twitch channel in the Links section of your user profile. (You will need to stream in the Science & Technology category to appear on the page.)

Thanks as always for using the page and providing feedback. No updates yet on showing offline or recent streams, but I hope to get around to that before too long.