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Handmade Network»Forums»Site Feedback
41 posts
Forum Post Search-Bar
Edited by Opoiregwfetags on

I think a search-bar in the forums would be useful. At least the ability to search forum post titles.

When I decide I'll post a question on the forums, I always search (with web search engines) if someone has asked that before on the Handmade site.

Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
Forum Post Search-Bar

I'd like the search box back too. In the mean time have a look at this thread.

Asaf Gartner
64 posts / 3 projects
Handmade Network Staff
Forum Post Search-Bar

The search bar is back. It's in the footer now. image.png

Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
Forum Post Search-Bar
Replying to AsafG (#25946)


41 posts
Forum Post Search-Bar
Edited by Opoiregwfetags on
Replying to AsafG (#25946)

Oh thanks! But I think it should be on top. Like, the fact that noone at all found it is kinda telling xD EDIT: I was assuming the bar was there all along. If you just put it there recently then maybe it's ok, but personally I think I still prefer on top.

235 posts
Forum Post Search-Bar

Assuming this wasn't a temporary placement of the search bar I definitely agree that the search functionality should be at the top of the page.