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Handmade Network»Forums»Wheel Reinvention Jam
Joseph RIchards
4 posts / 1 project
Jam Submission - plotting tool

Well, this was a learning experience.

My plan for the jam was the make an interactive plotting tool to graph data from a simulation and be able to change the parameters of the simulation from the plotting tool and see directly the results in the newly produced graph.

In the end, I was able to render a "plot" of generic data to the screen, like so.


With a little more work, I can improve the API to make it relatively easy to use for instant plotting.

I'm a bit disappointed in the number of hours I put into the project. I found it hard to make myself learn the SDL APIs. But now that I have the basics down, I feel I can get the ball rolling on the project. I also learned that hot-reloading c++ code would be a great feature for the plotting tool.

Thx Handmade Network for the jam! This jam made me learn something that would have taken me much longer to learn if I didn't have the jam to light some fire under me. Thx again.

Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
Jam Submission - plotting tool

I made a small similar tool in the past but it was specific to a problem I was trying to solve, and never made the step to get a "stand alone" tool. So I'm interested in this tool if you continue to work on it.

Joseph RIchards
4 posts / 1 project
Jam Submission - plotting tool
Edited by Joseph RIchards on
Replying to mrmixer (#25288)

Thx for the interest. Will definitely help with my motivation for the project.

Also, I also connected the dots.


Joseph RIchards
4 posts / 1 project
Jam Submission - plotting tool

I do not doubt your humanness.

Ben Visness
113 posts / 9 projects
HMN lead.
Jam Submission - plotting tool

The project looks nice! I'm glad you had a good experience and learned some stuff!