The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 5 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

How do I start a project?

Is it limited selection currently or can anyone start their own projects because I can't seem to find where to get one assigned to my profile.

Sorry if it's a dumb question, it may well just be that I haven't looked hard enough :3
Is it limited selection currently or can anyone start their own projects because I can't seem to find where to get one assigned to my profile.

Sorry if it's a dumb question, it may well just be that I haven't looked hard enough :3

Until we hit v1 with the site, there's not going to be a way to start a project from the site. At that point there will be a form for project submission, and we'd evaluate the projects before deciding whether or not to accept them.

If you want to have your project considered before then, please send an email to the staff with a description of your project, and we'll let you know what we make of it :)

Okay, sounds good. Thanks for the help :D
Anthony, what are you working on and would you like a hand?
I guess you could always start a thread about it in the Work In Progress forum.
Anthony, what are you working on and would you like a hand?

I'm working on a (toy) scripting language. I wrote a prototype a couple of months ago in C# and although it somewhat worked it was ridden with bugs, issues and dirty hacks so I want to do a rewrite in plain old C. It also compiled to LLVM-IR which meant I had to use what is effectively a C# wrapper around a C wrapper around a C++ API in order to generate the IR code. This time I'd quite like to write my own VM so that it can be embedded in larger C programs and work alongside the lower level code.

It's mostly a learning exercise so I'm not looking for a partner to work on it with although I'll be committing to a new public GitHub repo eventually so you're welcome to contribute that way.

Edited by Anthony on Reason: Fixed typo