Handmade Network»Forums
Oswald Hurlem
59 posts / 1 project
Working on Swedish Cubes for Unity. You could say I'm a real blockhead!!
Low-key Seattle meetup
Hey I want to organize a little meetup for the Seattle residents. Maybe during GDC so we can all be sour grapes about not attending it? Please point out to me the Seattleite HMN users so I can @ them.
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
Low-key Seattle meetup
There's me and of course cmuratori, I think Colin (cloin) is also in the area (although he might be moving soon? Caught a snippet in IRC suggesting as much). Nxsy is around here too as I recall. Can't recall who else off the top of my head.
1 posts
Low-key Seattle meetup
Did this ever happen? I'm new to the network and forum, and also live in Seattle.