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Handmade Network»Forums
Jeremiah Goerdt
208 posts / 1 project
Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
PSA For All Vim Users
If you haven't come across the fugitive plugin for Vim yet, you're in for a treat. I only discovered it a few days ago and I'm blown away.

Do yourself a favor and take some time to watch the Vimcasts showing what this bad boy can do.

You're welcome.
Rayalan Kenyon
11 posts
20 y/o recent college graduate Interested in game development
PSA For All Vim Users
Tim Pope, the creator of fugitive, has several good vim plugins here.
Timothy Wright
76 posts / 1 project
PSA For All Vim Users
I'm curious how many Handmade devs out there actually use vim. I don't use this plugin myself because I find the command line just fine, but I do love a good vim plugin.
Jack Mott
110 posts
Web Developer by day, game hobbyist by night.
PSA For All Vim Users
I have been using VIM off and on to try and learn it.
Not to the point yet where I can use it productively.
But I do have a side job where I am bouncing around linux cloud machines all the time, so it has been useful in that I can competently use VIM to edit scripts and config files and such when I am SSHed into them.

I've become so competent at using VSCode and Visual Studio that it will take a lot of work for me to even reach a breakeven point with VIM.

4 posts
PSA For All Vim Users
I use vim (well, neovim) both for hobby projects as well as work stuff

I combine it with tmux where I keep one hidden terminal pane open at the bottom for quick git commits & other things that need doing.
Don't exactly love it since it's quite hard to customise, but there aren't any good alternatives (until 4coder gets a mac build that is :P )

I use quite a few plugins, deoplete for autocompletion (my memory sucks, need it), ctrl+p for opening files inside a project, multiple cursors (can't live without that) and ctrlsf as a front-end for silver searcher (ag), nerdtree for directory listings, etc.
Jeremiah Goerdt
208 posts / 1 project
Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
PSA For All Vim Users
I'm curious how many Handmade devs out there actually use vim. I don't use this plugin myself because I find the command line just fine, but I do love a good vim plugin.

I've been using vim for years, recently I started also using 4coder with my own vim-like customizations.

Until I discovered this plugin in the last week or so, I had been just fine with the command line as well. I use i3 as my window manager, so tiling all the things makes it quick and easy to swap between my code and my command line. Even so, the value I've gotten from this plugin is enormous. Not having to leave my editor and getting temporary splits is fantastic. It's similar to wanting the ability to build code directly in vim with stuff like :make.

It's invaluable for my workflow.