The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Code reviews - Lamorna Engine

Hi everyone, I've made a series of short video code reviews of the different systems that comprise my handmade game engine 'Lamorna Engine'. It's a lite 3D engine I've made from scratch featuring a robust HD software renderer. I've never been that comfortable speaking in front of an audience, virtual or otherwise, so I wrote transcripts for the videos, apologies if some are a bit monotonic. Here's links to a few, the rest are on my YouTube channel. For more information, and to play the demo, please visit my website. Hope it's helpful.

Rendering front end:


Thread pool & job system:

Entity-component system:


Edited by Trevor Nagel on
Very cool stuff! I watched all the videos on YT--they weren't monotonic, they were very clear and easy to follow. I'm trying to teach myself gamedev too (so far I'm working on asteroids haha), so seeing all of your implementations is very interesting and helpful. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the positive comments, hope the videos were helpful! Feel free to ask any questions about the content.