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Totally Free Pixel Art Generator

A totally free Pixel Art Generator

I encourage others to implement new features on the master branch by submitting pull requests.

Ideas for future features:

* Save to local cache so you can load previous drawings
* More dynamic values like # of sprites generated, manipulation of the "options" that aren't current exposed
* More brushes and tools: Larger brushes that draw borders automatically, Fill Tool, Randomizer/Splatter
* Draw-Drag-through -- needs fixed
* More levels than just "body" -- 2-3 levels of permitted body tones (automatic shadow)?
* Color hinting
* Region Marking
* Internal symmetry encourager?
* Transparent canvas background for exported sprites
* Export (download) an entire set of images generated as a single sprite sheet
* Import small graphics files

A design goal is to not require a backend.

Edited by Lost Astronaut Studios on
Here is some feedback:
- Often I can't click and drag to draw a line, it looks like the browser is trying to do a drag and drop (I suppose it's this problem "* Draw-Drag-through -- needs fixed");
- It's not clear what you're suppose to do, maybe put the instruction from git hub on the page;
- In the instructions on github in step five: "Downloadio"
- It's not clear what tools and brushes are or do;
- Having a default size without pressing the set size upon arrival would be better;
- The first time I tried, the grayscale checkbox did the inverse of what it was suppose to do (turn it on activated the colors);
- Better use of space, put the last generated image on the right of the grid (the previous on the left ?);
- Having bigger grid than 50;
- When using a "big" grid, make it fit into the screen.
Thanks for the feedback. You and others are encouraged to pursue your list and mine. When I have time I'll do what I can.

"Often I can't click and drag to draw a line, it looks like the browser is trying to do a drag and drop"

This seems to have something to do with scrolling on my computer. I agree, it's a WIP

"In the instructions on github in step five: "Downloadio""


"maybe put the instruction from git hub on the page;" -- yeah maybe do a "?" button, i could see that

"Having a default size without pressing the set size upon arrival would be better;"
and "Having bigger grid than 50;"
Yeah sure. I avoided that because when you click "Set Size" it actually loses your image and there is no way to save right now.

"Better use of space, put the last generated image on the right of the grid (the previous on the left ?);"

Not sure what you are getting at here, but it's not in any way responsive at this point so it's hard to know what a better use of space actually is.

"It's not clear what tools and brushes are or do;"

Well, if you read the source code you can tell, or simply by experimentation (I had no idea when I made them! I did not write the original algorithm, it was released MIT-licensed some years ago during the early days of Proce55ing, and someone named CryPixels is actually selling a version of this tool for $20)