The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

[Open Solomon's Key] Announcement / First "build"

So, my dad showed me this old arcade game, and I found out I really liked it. I mean, it's way too hard for me to get to the 4th level, but I like the idea of it. So I decided to remake it in C++, using as few libraries as possible, but most importantly to get it to a "playable" state.

My dad helped me in extracting the assets (+ providing the menu logo), and as aforementioned, introduced me to the game, since he'd already made his own remake with GameMakerStudio 2.

This is a remake of the 1986 arcade game by Tecmo, with a menu and a custom level format. It's nowhere near finished, but I thought I should put it here nevertheless, since right now it can play the first 3 levels of the original. It's for Windows and Linux, but I haven't packaged it for linux yet. It runs well on both platforms though!

Builds here
Project page

Edited by Michael Dodis on Reason: Initial post
The build on crashed during the "particle animation" after pressing space to start a game.

It's crashing in gl_graphics.cpp in gl_slow_tilemap_draw on line 148 (I suppose it's more line 147 that is the issue). This is because you're trying to render text from the audio thread and you should not use OpenGL functions from a different thread that the one in which it was created (the one with wglMakeCurrent). Commenting draw_text("will_loop_inside", 3); in audio.cpp on line 244 fixed the issue.
Wow, nice catch! Originally I was doing audio on the main thread, so that was probably leftover from that time. Thank you so much!