The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Welcome, one and all

Andrew Chronister
Greetings! We're proud to present the v1.0 release of Handmade Network to the public!

Handmade Network is the home for dozens of projects that were inspired directly or indirectly by Handmade Hero. Some eschew libraries, while others are themselves libraries written in a simple an conscientious style. Some are released products, others are in early alpha, and some are just beginning to materialize.

For each, we provide the option to have their own self-contained forums and blog, so they can share news about development and interact with the people using their software directly. Membership is site wide, so anyone who has an account here can post on any project. Additionally, we've inherited the Handmade Hero forums and all the accounts on it, so anyone who had an account on the old forums can log in anywhere on with their old account credentials.
(Note: a registration page for new members will be going up in the next day or two. If you didn't have an account on the HMH forums, keep your eyes peeled for that).

This website has been a labor of love by our small team of staff -- Jeroen and I have been working around the clock to bring everything together. However, we have undoubtedly overlooked some things. Please report any bugs you find or features you wish existed, and we'll do our best to address them as soon as we can.

We'll be working hard over the next few weeks to bring in all the features that we weren't able to add before launch, so keep checking back here as we blog about the challenges we faced while building the site and where we're going from here!

Enjoy the site, and happy coding!
-- Andrew
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Feel free to write in any comments you have about the site! We're happy to have you with us!
Welcome Everyone!
Hello, and welcome everyone to Handmade Network!
Cool new site! Wish everyone a fresh start and happy coding :)
So excited to see this come to life and to be a part of the community. Can't wait to see all the great content that gets added to the site from all the talented individuals here!