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[News] Handmade Seattle Conference

Ryan Fleury
I didn't realize I had two birthdays this year: One in February, and one on the day that Handmade Seattle was announced!

Handmade Seattle, A Low-Level Programming Conference

Abner Coimbre, Handmade Network founder and avid chocolate wine enthusiast, is hosting Handmade Seattle, a low-level programming conference that is a spiritual successor to Handmade Con, a conference that many of us attended, watched, and loved.

Handmade Seattle is built around the ideas that we very much live by here in Handmade Network, that is: Caring for the user, understanding the computer, using low-level knowledge to empower yourself as a software engineer, and crafting good software that is good in and of itself.

The conference will include low-level project booths, two panel discussions with industry experts discussing the state and the future of software engineering, and of course the ability to meet other like-minded community members in person!

The conference is taking place in...

...That's right! Seattle, Washington! It will be sometime in December 2019, though the exact date has yet to be nailed down. If this is something that you are potentially interested in attending, I strongly recommend checking out the Handmade Seattle website, signing up for updates, and also checking out more in-depth conference details.

I hope you all are as excited as I am, and I very much hope to see everyone there!

Community Showcase Highlights

Additionally, as always, I have a couple of community showcase posts to relay to you!

Community member rxi showed off their sequencing program some more! It features some experimentation with "dirty rectangles" in software rendering, where an application's backbuffer is largely cached, and redrawing is limited to dynamic portions of the frame. Additionally, there's a cool track in the sequencer you can listen to!

Community member Chen showed some work he did on cloth physics!

That's all for now folks! Don't forget to check out Handmade Seattle!
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I am pumped !... will try to make it for sure.

Suggestion for 2020 handmade con is Tokyo Japan would be coming hot off the trail of the olympics so would be good timing!
Also when can we buy some merch?
Appreciate it! Support has been incredible, so far.

It's funny because some of the people who subscribed to the mailing list are companies, local studios, and so on. I can imagine individuals showing off their software projects and companies flying over to check out the talent. Weird to think about since that's usually not how it goes :)

In any case, the purpose of all of this is to unveil cool software projects of those into low-level programming -- with a couple of discussions with industry veterans. I'm not planning to filter general attendance; all that matters is that people get a ticket.

Also when can we buy some merch?

Hmmm... the logistics are crazy enough as it is! Will consider it though.
Could not hurt to have some I mean its great.
People pay you to advertise what could be better ;)
I want a T-Shirt and hat with handmade logo :) .
One pig and one owl please hehe