The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
Phillip Trudeau-Tavara's Avatar
Phillip Trudeau-Tavara
C++ person who likes music and game development. Find me on the Handmade Network Discord as philliptrudeau.
Member since

Recent Activity

Our game All Out just crossed 1,000 concurrent players!! ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿ’จ A lot of SSundee fans are playing after his latest video. It's free and available now! :)

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Here is a function for obtaining the exact RDTSC frequency on Win10+ and Linux 3.0+ for x64.
Both versions fallback to the empirical sleep-then-measure routine for OS versions that don't support directly querying the TSC frequency.

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Hope this is at least an okay overview of our &happenlance crash reporter! Might update the code sample later to be a completely independently runnable library when I have time!

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I pushed a quick update to OpenGL-on-DXGI1.3 to display some stats, compute minimum frame latency, and generally clarify things.

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Been using Sokol + Dear Imgui to build a level editor for the classic horror game Silent Hill 2. I've already finished one STB-style library for one of the data formats, and now I've finally progressed enough to test an edit in-game! Github repo [very WIP]:

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After 11 months, Happenlance is finally out!! ๐Ÿ˜„ It's an action physics "joust-em-up" built in a C++ engine using SoLoud, STB_image, msf_gif, and other Handmade libraries. Thanks so much to the Handmade community for helping bring this to life! Feel free to wishlist if you're interested! ๐Ÿ™

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After 6 months of hard work, Happenlance is back with another devlog! ๐Ÿ’ช If this looks interesting to you, please wishlist on Steam!

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Our HMN project Sir Happenlance and the Spear of Density now has a Steam page! If it looks interesting at all, please signal your support by wishlisting! Otherwise you can just playtest the free beta here:

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Hey there Happenlancers, if any of you Windows devs are wondering how to use PrintScreen to get nice screenshots like this while playing your game in exclusive-fullscreen, I wrote a quick blog post for the hoops I had to jump through in order to facilitate it ๐Ÿ˜„

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Friends!! Our game Sir Happenlance is currently hosting a Live Playtest Event over on the discord - feel free to hop in-game and play a PvP round against me or anyone else! We're in need of feedback on peer-to-peer latency, networking quality, and gameplay opinions!! I'd really appreciate if you stopped by for a bit ๐Ÿ˜…

Get the beta here:

Join the discord for VC here:

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Sorry for going quiet - I've been hard at work on Happenlance! Here's what 3 more months of art direction got me!

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Happenlance is on the road to feature completion! We're too busy to make a devlog video, but the Handmade crowd gets a sneak inside peek ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Our fourth devlog for our game Happenlance is out (finally ๐Ÿ˜ณ ) and it's a thicc boi:

  • Invalidating asset references
  • Sorting oriented bounding boxes
  • Notes on game AI design
  • Physical derivation of the aerodynamical model of a fletched arrow in flight
  • Implementing undo systems in level editors
  • GIF encoding and framebuffer resizing If any of that sounds interesting then check it out ๐Ÿ˜
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Our third devlog is released! Miles discusses the challenges of data organization and alludes to data-orientation.

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Advanced C++ highlighting in the Eden editor. Runs at about 6-7 million lines per second. This is a 10 megabyte test file.

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Parsing C++ at 1 gigabyte per second. (Syntax highlighting; nothing semantic yet.)

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Recursive descent C++ declaration parsing. No symbol tables or lookahead ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 5.0 mloc/s release mode (I will improve that by a lot!!)

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VERY simple rules can get types and variables 80% correct... (excuse the fruit salad - just to visualize which is which). However, this will be improved on.

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I added syntax highlighting to Colby's text editor.

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