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rpn calculator, but you can save operations then click and drag them, as well as visualize the results.

I'd like to turn this into an actual environment for programming, but for now it's a neat proof of concept.

Existing operations can be dragged to the left to "open" them in a tab, where you can see their implementation.

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Running my continuation-passing-style concatenative evaluator ContinueForth in jart's Blinkenlights

It's written in 250 lines of asm so far, and Blinkenlights has been huge in helping me visualize what the program is doing. I imagine that I can reduce the size by about 30% as is by removing a number of redundancies, I may also do a low-byte count version not unlike jart's SectorLisp and cblum's SectorForth for 16-bit which can fit into bootsectors.

I need to decide on the specifics of my code/data format before writing the loader, right now programs are hard-coded but that comes next!

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