The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
Dominik Madarász's Avatar
Dominik Madarász
I'm Dominik, a developer always loving to explore new ways of programming. Since my [b]handicap[/b] made me more-or-less impossible to do certain jobs, I've started with programming, as that's the only thing keeping me on [b]life[/b]. I always like to explore nature, going out with friends and reading some articles or books on the Internet. In my spare time I progress with [b]hobby[/b] and [b]community[/b] projects. My development [b]interests[/b] are mostly around desktop applications, [b]high-performance interactive[/b] apps especially. Taking advices from [b]Casey Muratori's Handmade Hero[/b] series, I aim for [b]optimization and code quality (KISS)[/b] altogether. I love listening to [b]Iron Maiden[/b] and playing [b]The Ultimate Doom[/b], they blend together very well.
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