The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
Martin Dorazil's Avatar
Martin Dorazil
Member since

Recent Activity

Version 0.4 is out for testing.

Add simple support for assembly language.
Add asserts on Linux and Mac for unimplemented stuff (release should still work).
Add jumping to previous locations on global level. (by default Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+])
Add custom library to handle clipboard.
Add sort open files in quick by last visit.
Fix LSP now use URI for all paths.

Version 0.3 is out for testing.

Add search-replace in file.
Add use last replacement string as default on new replace.
Add 'show_hints' option.
Add replace all.
Fix invalid horizontal view offset when cursor jumps.
Fix broken error notifications in release mode.
Fix comment indentation in case spaces are used and toggle comment activated.

The new version 0.2 is now out!


Add maximize_on_start option.
Add font customization.
Add command to clear message buffer.
Add GLSL syntax highlighting.
Disable project reindexing in case there is an ongoing compilation.
Fix invalid selection range in case of mouse selection over an empty buffer.
Show hidden directories in lists.
Add open search results in a separate buffer.
Add a command to save all changed files.
Add automatic save before build option.
Fix horizontal view offset calculation.
Fix command buffer multiline handling.