The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
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Making some more progress on my visibility jam entry &structure. We can drag things now. Can't reorder them yet, but that's a problem for tomorrow khrob.

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&structure continues slowly... mouseover working. Calling for tonight. If I can drag to rearrange variables by the end of jam, I'll be happy!

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&structure visualisation continues... Under the hood it's rendering each variable as one block, and adding the pre-padding where the alignment is required. Next up is some mouse interaction. My target for the jam is to be able to drag the different vars around so you can feel the best & worst case scenarios. Stretch goal is to be able to add/remove variables at runtime. (Currently, it's just working on the hard-coded string on the right)

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something visual starting to come together for the jam. &structure

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showing the struct's fields. &structure

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A few more improvements- lateral movement takes a little time to get up to full speed, jump gravity changes between going up and down, and the background is a somewhat more interesting.

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Trying to get the ‘feel’ right when mixing movement and throwing.

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A little platformer I’ve just started tinkering with… Aiming to make the gameplay loop be something like real-time Worms. (Single player, at least to start with). macOS, Swift+Metal.

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Days -n: I had already been planning a handmade-style video editor, and had put together a very simple macos app that opens a metal window, takes some mouse input and draws some rectangles. As far as platform layers and gui libraries go, it's... barely functional. But there you go.

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