The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
Christoffer Lernö's Avatar
Christoffer Lernö
I started programming in the golden days of home computers in the 80s. I never really intended for a career as a programmer, instead I was planning on doing theoretical physics, but I got a job as a programmer almost by accident and here I am over 20 years later. I'm a co-founder of AEGIK AB, a small company that is doing consultant work and building games. I'm also working on the C3 language in my spare time.
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The C3 Language
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Recent Activity

I finally added a syscall compiler builtin:

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Here is an example showing the latter but also clearly how the temp allocator can hand over to the backing allocator for pages which also gets cleaned up as needed:

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Swapping the normal allocator for the temp one and clean after use:

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Temp allocator with autoreleasing pools:

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I bumped C3 to 0.3.0 basically it's just all that was after 0.2.0, which I first released as 0.2.1 0.2.2 etc. Even though I've had problems with eyestrain during and a lot of time spent is just thinking about how a feature should look, it ended up being a bunch of things added:

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Some enum name reflection, with opt-out:

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C3 doesn't have function overloading but:

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Getting somewhere with the printf, the snippet below is now printing:

0: deadbeef 1: 0x00007ff7bf0b0608 🤣 [0x4d2] -43943922244 +123 -12 2: -43943922244 -43943 123 -12.300000 3: -1234.300000 你好 Hej 4: 1.230000 45.000000 1.23000 45.0000 1 45 2.382300e+02

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Adding a string builder in the standard library for C3:

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Converted the Raylib Arkanoid, which unearthed a bug in the ABI implementation! Excellent.

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This is a first stab at a library description format for C3. This example defines only a single target (MacOS x64), but normally more are added. Using --lib raylib this definition would link libraylib.a + all of the MacOS frameworks. Note that rather than providing a statically allocated library, the same definition file could allow a directory of .c files or .c3 files to compile. Or link it dynamically.

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ERROR: '@require "d > 0" violated.'
  at function test::test (debugstuff.c3:4)
  at function test::main (debugstuff.c3:10)
  at function test::_$mainstub (debugstuff.c3:8)
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This prints:

Assertion failed: (@require "baz > 100" violated: 'whatever'.), function test, file debugstuff.c3, line 6.
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Just reducing the code output to LLVM on -O0 (an extreme case, reducing the number of instructions from 12 -> 3)

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Some updates to the variant functionality - either get it as pointer or as the value copied to variable:

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Not finished, but this prints

double 123.000000
int: 1
Unknown type.
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Ranged case Output:

Something else: 0
Something else: 11
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I've been implementing some of the programming language shootout tasks... here is mandelbrot:

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C3 got string (actually slice) matching. This outputs

This works
This works too
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So this experimental stuff works now with this output:

Hex array: Open the pod bay doors
Base64 array: Open the pod bay doors
Multi line:
Say hello,
to my little friend...
Raw string: C:\foo\raw.dll
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The whole new try stuff is added to C3 now, and I enhanced it a little:

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A contributor made raylib bindings for C3: 🥳

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First version of user defined foreach works, this prints

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Thanks to the hard work by the contributor kvk1920 C3C is now up and running on Windows under Mingw and MSYS2 with CI! 🥳

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I had to do ad hoc lexing for feature, but I'll end up reusing it for a lot of other compile time functions later on:

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Doing test_param(11, 10); gives:

Assert violation 'Invalid input' on line 159, in file 'debugstuff.c3'.
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This prints:

157: /**
158:  * @param x - one parameter
159:  * @param y - other parameter
(debugstuff.c3:159) Error: There is no parameter 'y', did you misspell it?
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Getting more environment info available from inside of programs now.

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So this now works, with an output of:

Repeat 1
Repeat 2
Repeat 3
Repeat 4
Repeat 5
Repeat 6
Repeat 7
Repeat 8
Repeat 9
Repeat 10
111 121 4 77 
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I added this for enums, it's sometimes useful (printing Min -5 Max 14 Elements: 3)

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Finally some generic module code up and running. Defining some parameterized functions and types.

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Those cursed gradients are working again for text rendering:

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Sum integers using recursion, slices and typed varargs... 😅 (call using sum_us(1, 3, 5, 11))

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Ok so this works now, but it's using alloca to copy the slice. I don't know how I feel about that. In safe mode you'll get a panic if you exceed MAX_PARAMS, but currently not in non-safe. I might mask this though.

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A goddarn miracle, C3 is using built in linking on Linux

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Piecemeal adding some welcome library functionality while checking how the macros/function namespacing looks in the wild (not perfect yet):

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Took a little while but constant aggregates are now spliced in a fairly efficient format from what I can see. This one would take gigabytes of memory to describe for Clang:

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More and more debug info getting done in the C3 backend:

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