The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
Quadrant is an experimental temporal programming environment for live shows and art installations.

About Quadrant

Quadrant is a programming environment for designing and performing temporal scenarios. Such scenarios can be used to trigger cues and control various parameters of live shows and interactive installations, such as audio and video playback, lights, or mechatronics.

Quadrant is an experiment in bridging the gap between a low-level programming language approach and a more visual and interactive user experience.

To that end the environment features a structure editor operating on a language that intermingles textual tokens and graphical user interface elements. The language allows writing concurrent flows of events and applying hierarchical time transformations on them. The structured-ness of the underlying format and the tight integration of the editor with the runtimes allows providing useful live feedback during the execution of the scenarios.

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Recent Activity

First draft of a completion panel in Quadrant's structure editor. It's not hooked up to the type system and symbols tables yet (so for now it only suggests syntactic constructs), and there's still a lot of little UX decisions to be made in order to provide a fluid completion workflow, but I think the general idea is working pretty well. &quadrant

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Doing some UX experimentation for &quadrant structure editor: here the editor is automatically inserting "holes" for missing tokens, with syntactic/semantic hints, while trying to retain a "text-like" editing flexibility.

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Here's a short presentation I made for the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2022. I go over the goals and approach of my temporal programming environment &quadrant and then demo how you can pilot a Max/MSP patch from a Quadrant program using OSC.

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Some progress update on Quadrant's language features: variadic parameters, polymorphic procedures, modules, and foreign system: &quadrant

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I rewrote the layout strategy of &quadrant. A cell can now adapt its layout to the layout of its children (so it can avoid unwanted hanging indents or break lines when its contents gets too large). I also took the opportunity to add smooth animation to the cells and cursor's position.

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A little more detailed presentation/demo of my prototype temporal programming environment &quadrant.

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Prototype of a programming environment I'm working on, called &quadrant. The end goal is to write temporal scenarios for live shows/art installations. It has a structure editor, a non-textual DSL that gets compiled to a bytecode which is then executed by a VM. The VM and the editor communicate, which allows monitoring and controlling the execution of the program from the editor.

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