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Cian Mc Sweeney
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And thats my FYP done, one step closer to finishing uni ๐Ÿ‘Œ Almost 100% custom C code, just used Nanovg for drawing, project was mainly focused on the behind the scenes stuff with streaming the sensor data but a little annoyed I couldn't finish up the UI fully

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Squidqy Throwing together a quick imgui for my FYP so I can start rendering some plots of the data I'm working with. Inspired by a lot of the imgui's shown by others here, layout code is a mess but it works so time not to touch it until it becomes an issue ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Squidqy Throwing together a quick imgui for my FYP so I can start rendering some plots of the data I'm working with. Inspired by a lot of the imgui's shown by others here, layout code is a mess but it works so time not to touch it until it becomes an issue ๐Ÿ˜‚