The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
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Jacob Bell
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Trailer for my RPG prototype. Planning to release it this weekend!

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In my RPG, you program your team with a constraint-based visual language. This video shows programming one character to buff another with mind split (makes spells hit multiple targets), casting focus (makes spells stronger), and the buffed character casting fire when there are at least 2 enemies with over 20% health. In most RPGs, battles are harder when you're fighting more enemies at a time. They start off challenging, but get way too easy after killing a few enemies. My idea for solving this is staggering enemies in a fight, so more emerge from the sand as you kill them, keeping difficulty pretty consistent throughout.

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Figured out the art style for my game. I realized that what I really want is hand painted lighting, and I can manually set whether small props are in light or shadow to avoid self-shadowing.

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Imgui for my game, designed to be used with a game controller

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I'm working on what I want to eventually be the most comprehensive guide on the internet for implementing joystick support in PC games. This information has been too scattered for too long!

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Minimalist keyboard recording and playback program I made for practicing emulated fighting games. Used Nuklear for GUI.

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