I have released a demo of my PvP FPS on itch.io (https://enslip.itch.io/ancestral-players-demo). I wrote my engine feature list there https://www.ancestralplayers.com/engine/
I have released a demo of my PvP FPS on itch.io (https://enslip.itch.io/ancestral-players-demo). I wrote my engine feature list there https://www.ancestralplayers.com/engine/
I implemented bots for my multiplayer FPS : https://youtu.be/h6ZyRc8hKFQ
Hi everyone, I'm making a playtest session tonight (Europe: 21:00 CEST (UTC+2) && North America: 21:00 EDT (UTC-4)), it's a PvP FPS made with my engine, if some are interested, just hit 'request access' : https://store.steampowered.com/app/2349430/Ancestral_Players
I have setup my steam page for my PvP FPS (c++/dx11) , it's more than 2 years of work now :o. Art is done by a friend. I had to stop the devlogs to focus. Here is the teaser: https://youtu.be/K0xzxgoFOvE
Here is my 2nd devlog presenting my first fps prototype and the improved v2 ( Video is 17min long) : https://youtu.be/8ZxagNX3Fw4?si=U5ImB78DfXaeXeRl
I have started a youtube channel to talk about my project (first person shooter, my own c++ engine), It's been 2 years already (fulltime). Episode 1 is about my first year, my planning and my game concept. https://youtu.be/Ve4d3UfJj0c?si=C9VV37CW4Un7R51q