Handmade Network»fda0

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Update on my Minecraft clone. Added:

  • collisions/physics
  • block placing/destruction
  • world gen with 1.5 biomes 😄
  • ambient occlusion

Learned a lot so far - not sure if I will continue. If I do I may focus on multiplayer to learn more new things. And I would prefer to focus on making something different than Minecraft but I'm not sure if I'm much of a game designer.

I'm 2-3 weeks into doing a Minecraft clone. It is my first time doing 3D and I already learned a lot. I spent most time fighting with camera transforms & frustum culling. I also added some approximate back-face culling on CPU side. Terrain generated with simplex noises randomly thrown together.

I haven't posted here in a while because the things I were working on weren't really that presentable on video. But now I'm posting anyway.

I'm using DION^tm METADESK^TM to parse my config files. It's really cool, saved me a lot of work and I like its api a lot. The cool thing about my config files is that any global applications setting can be overwritten on per project basis. It is cool if you for example want to set different background color/font/whatever per project to not mix them up. Or perhaps more common use case will be to setup some build scripts and bind them to keys. It all goes through one system and the same config file type.

New things in my editor:

  • Draw tooltips on } closing braces
  • Draw function arguments tooltips
  • Run build scripts & highlight errors
  • Search and list results for all opened files

Got more time this month to work on my editor. Recently I added symbol/tag goto, auto indentation, token aware cursor navigation and some visual scope highlighting - inspired by my current 4coder setup. I also moved from doing hundreds of draw calls per frame to 1 draw call per frame.

Since last post about my text editor I worked mostly on:

  1. Simplifying how text is stored - that turned out to be really needed for making multiple views into the same buffer working (and multiple cursors in the future).
  2. Getting some UI going. It doesn't look spectacular yet but it can create some functionality without tons of effort.

I also added undo/redo, copy/paste, somewhat working scrolling animations, loading of files.

I decided to work on something that no programmer before me even thought of. ESPECIALLY in this community. Yes, I'm creating my text editor.

I have some basics working like cursor navigation, replacing range of text, some debug visualization. Some parts of 4coder's api and its ease of use have been a great example & inspiration for me. I want to put more features in before I start worrying what the final representation of data and positions in buffer will be.
