Handmade Network»Jarvis Carroll

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Since it doesn't use taylor series at all, and the functions aren't in radians, I can calculate pi as 2^n/arctan(1/2^n) (I used floats for the division/printf 😉 ) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/272952058468892674/774212552993406996/pi.png

It doesn't use any floats, and it doesn't use taylor series etc. Just 32 or 64 or 96 or however many iterations, and you get that many bits of the respective inverse function. This is the first one I worked out using this method, arctan:

This is the (negative) binary logarithm itself, without appropriate range reduction

about a year ago I wrote some arbitrary accuracy inverse trig/exp functions based on the binary logarithm algorithm, and with uni over I'm starting to render my functions so that I can understand them again, this is arccos

sometimes they even make San Francisco

new spread algorithm that generates city blocks

dots spreading to claim space, one day i hope they will be acquiring resources and forming tribes!

Jarvis Carroll