I've been making a game over the last 3.5 years with my own engine and art; it's an automation and survival game where you terraform a planet with emphasis on weather.
Some technical features:
- Terrain rendered using techniques from the Witcher 3 with a custom terrain/world editor.
- Cascaded shadow mapping with soft shadows.
- Weather simulation (with my own fake physics haha)
- Networking framework for co-op with TCP + custom binary protocol
- OpenGL for graphics, OpenAL for sound, GLFW for input
- Dynamic skydome
- Water based on Gerstner waves
- Immediate mode UI framework, SDF text rendering
- Swept-sphere collision detection
- Soft-particles / transparency
- God rays
- Grass rendering
- FXAA, SSAO, Bloom
- etc!
Attached is one of the first screenshots of the game and how it looks now, it's been a long journey ๐ฎโ๐จ. And here is the steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2305210/