&drawn-comments the images get saved as descriptions inside comments so that their positions don't get too messed up when editing the files with other text editors.
&drawn-comments the images get saved as descriptions inside comments so that their positions don't get too messed up when editing the files with other text editors.
drawing some gibberish images inside a text editor, the basic idea works 🙂 &drawn-comments
implementing a node system in my imgui, might develop it into something more
my lang is Turing-complete now. still interpreted, but the representation is low-level already, so hopefully translation to assembly won't be a pain (I've never done that, so it should be fun). I will also explore ways to make the language readable 🙃
my final achievement of 2023 - somewhat working structs in a stack-based language, which will be expanded in the next year
Got multi-cursor support and basic syntax highlighting working 🙂
A little gap buffer demo, very much inspired by the recent discussions on #project-discussion. The newly created gaps are 5-character long and grow on backspace/delete. The rendering is just a quick prototype in Raylib. If you see something wrong with the buffer behaviour, let me know 🙂