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implementing a node system in my imgui, might develop it into something more

I have compiled a program to a binary!

my lang is Turing-complete now. still interpreted, but the representation is low-level already, so hopefully translation to assembly won't be a pain (I've never done that, so it should be fun). I will also explore ways to make the language readable 🙃

my final achievement of 2023 - somewhat working structs in a stack-based language, which will be expanded in the next year

Having fun with a custom software-rendered raycast engine in C.

Got multi-cursor support and basic syntax highlighting working 🙂

A little gap buffer demo, very much inspired by the recent discussions on #project-discussion. The newly created gaps are 5-character long and grow on backspace/delete. The rendering is just a quick prototype in Raylib. If you see something wrong with the buffer behaviour, let me know 🙂