The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam just concluded. See the results.
Retained Data, Immediate Code. Hybrid of immediate mode and retained mode.

About RDIC

Immediate mode APIs are great, especially for debugging UIs. Unfortunately they can have some drawbacks, e.g. with things such as accessibility.

RDIC is intended to bring the power of retained mode frameworks and toolkits into the realm of immediate mode APIs.

The bread and butter of RDIC is to stabilize the call nodes. The cost of this stabilization is that the usage code must manage generational references. This makes RDIC less suitable for UIs that are quick and throwaway, for debugging, or for a prototype.

What RDIC is good for is providing a cross-frame data model that can be as rich as you need it to be.

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Recent Activity

To round off my participation in the jam the gui I'm making using &rdic is now at a stage where I will start using it.
What I show in the video is that all my fundamentals work as intended. At this point it's a matter of features and refinement.
It's far from complete and full of gaping holes, but that is something I will iron out as I go. I have to use it for something to ship if I don't want to disappoint @samhsmith after all. 😛

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I have been working on &rdic for a long time now, but for the jam I decided to make it publicly available and push for an alpha or beta version of sorts.
In other news, I got clipping working, though not for all my drawing functionality. I can't really explain in short form all the infrastructure heavy lifting that went into making it possible, but now I should be able to do scrollable regions, drop-downs, and more.
I'm also showing at the end my ability to redraw things conditionally, though it's hard to see because it is shown with 2x2 pixel dots.

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