!til late addition to my learning jam project on &colors: how to derive the HSL/HSV color models from an RGB cube: https://youtu.be/1zwXnf0G2II
!til late addition to my learning jam project on &colors: how to derive the HSL/HSV color models from an RGB cube: https://youtu.be/1zwXnf0G2II
!til the sRGB curve is slightly different from a simple gamma curve, and the difference is actually noticeable on darker &colors. So here's a follow-up video on the proper way to do sRGB conversions: https://youtu.be/T54SX-QwFpc
!til here's part two of my learning jam project &colors where I explain gamma correction and sRGB encoding, and update the vector graphics renderer of &orca to be gamma correct
!til a bit about &colors, so here are some ramblings about the XYZ color space and xy chromaticity diagram: https://youtu.be/IOJe1ugkc9Y