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Simple end-to-end encrypted network library in C for Windows

About DerpNet

Single header file library to provide encrypted communication between peers.

It uses Tailscale DERP relays for low bandwidth communications. This allows exchanging data between peers even when both of them are behind NAT.

Communications are end-to-end encrypted. Nobody, even relays, cannot read messages unless they have your PRIVATE key. You only need to share PUBLIC key to others - which other users will use to send messages to you.

Library is available on GitHub:

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Recent Activity

Another &derpnet example - tunneling TCP traffic over derp relay:

  • similar to SSH tunneling, but just using DerpNet api
  • server connects to some TCP port on localhost and forwards all traffic from it to derpnet_proxy remote
  • client listens on local TCP port and forwards all traffic to derpnet_proxy remote
  • example is limited to only single connection to server, but same idea can be extended to support multiple connections
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&derpnet ported to JavaScript -

  • implements exactly same protocol as C code, with same encryption guarantees
  • now you can communicate between browser and native code "without running" any extra servers!
  • JS uses websocket to talk to Tailscale DERP server, which relays messages between your peers
  • comes with two examples, one showing basic usage to send & receive messages, and one for exchanging files - both directions, upload to browser and download from browser supported
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&derpnet - simple end-to-end encrypted network library in C for Windows.

  • single header library to provide encrypted communication between peers
  • uses Tailscale DERP relays for low bandwidth communication even when both peers are behind NAT
  • comes with 3 examples showing simple message exchange, file sharing or chat between users
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